Change dynamiclaly Camera post processing effects

I basically want to change the DOF of the camera over 2-3 seconds when spacebar is hit, i’ve got it so the sautration changes on a post processing over 2 seconds when the game is started however for some reason i cant control the DOF of the volume in the same way. I copied my setup over to the mychar and camera and now not even the saturation works.

this it the setup then attached to the camera (in my char blueprint) (From what ive read it should work?)

It has the lerp in the same place etc.

basically, nothing happens, could i either control the DOF in the post volume then or how do i fix the camera post!

Also a cheeky side question, how would i get it so i can hit spacebar (which doesn’t seem to work either) then start the event tick to begin the transition!


Same problem here, new settings just are ignored.

EDIT: The only thing which seems to work :

  • Get reference to postprocess settings
  • Use ‘set member in struct’
  • Set only the ‘override’ boolean in the giant list
  • Right click
  • ‘Remove all other pins’
  • Do the same for the actual value you want to alter

Thanks, didn’t realize you could set members of a struct individually!