Collision on spectator pawn?


I am currently working on a project that requires a character pawn to be able to float/move in space.
I tried using the spectator pawn (this is pretty close to what i am looking for), but I also need it to be able to trigger collision spheres.

I currently have character pawn with gravity and physics being simulated on it. This pawn will float and collide, but I have no way of controlling it. I assume I would have to create some force thrusters to steer it around (but i’m not sure how to go about this).

Just looking for someone to point me in the right direction. Can a spectator pawn have collision, or will I need to use a traditional character pawn with physics on it?

Thank you!

Alright I figured it out.
I just created a new spectator pawn bp, and added a cube component to it. The spec-pawn now has collision.