Controller Possess does not work after level change


I’m trying to bring multiplayer layer to my game by copying needed parts of the “Multiplayer shootout” project.

The problem is that my character doesn’t receive any input when I come from the MainMenu.
If i start my game level (Level_01 equivalent of the “Multiplayer shootout”) directly everything is fine.
And only inputs don’t work as my character is spawned correctly and in right place.

Everything i do is from the editor.

Here is the blueprint part called after player login in GameMode, i debugged it and it looks fine in both cases (i tried to add EnableInput but it’s useless) :

Really lost about that, please help :slight_smile:

If you have switched input control to your UI, try calling node SetInputModeGameOnly for your player controller after calling Possess.


Your answer is the best on the whole internet about this topic.

Thanks, this one helped me too

Thank you so much!