Edge scrolling camera issue

Hi everyone, I’m working on a litte game with an RTS like camera, the camera is working, but I have some issue with the edge scrolling

here is my issue :
The only edge scrolling that I have is “Top Left”, no matter which side the mouse is, the camera is scrolling to Top Left

first of all I have a Pawn for a the camera, and an Arm sping attach to an invisible sphere

And I’m detecting the edge scrolling in the Player controller :

void ABTD_PlayerController::PlayerTick(float DeltaTime)


void ABTD_PlayerController::HandleEdgeScrolling()
	float MouseX = 0.0f;
	float MouseY = 0.0f;

	if (GetMousePosition(MouseX, MouseY))

	int32 SizeX = 0;
	int32 SizeY = 0;

	GetViewportSize(SizeX, SizeY);

	if (MouseX < EdgeScrollingSensitivity) //Mouse is Close to Left
	else if (MouseX > SizeX - EdgeScrollingSensitivity) //Mouse is Close to Right

	if (MouseY < EdgeScrollingSensitivity) //Mouse is Close to Top
	else if (MouseY > SizeY - EdgeScrollingSensitivity) //Mouse is Close to Bottom

void ABTD_PlayerController::OnCameraForward(float Axis)
	ABTD_PlayerPawn* const MyPawn = Cast<ABTD_PlayerPawn>(GetPawn());
	if (MyPawn) 
		FVector NewDeltaLocation = MyPawn->PawnBaseCollsion->GetForwardVector() * (CameraMovementSpeed * Axis);

void ABTD_PlayerController::OnCameraRight(float Axis)
	ABTD_PlayerPawn* const MyPawn = Cast<ABTD_PlayerPawn>(GetPawn());
	if (MyPawn)
		FVector NewDeltaLocation = MyPawn->PawnBaseCollsion->GetRightVector() * (CameraMovementSpeed * Axis);

Any Idea what I’m doing wrong here ?

Hello Talus,

I see at least one thing that looks wrong :

if (GetMousePosition(MouseX, MouseY)) return;

Shouldn’t it be :

if (!GetMousePosition(MouseX, MouseY)) return;

Because ‘GetMousePosition’ returns true when it was able to acquire the mouse position.


Thx, It’s working a lot better :slight_smile: