Editor stops loading at 72%

I am currently using UE 4.12.5 version.
When I start my project in the file system(.uproject file), It stops loading at 72%.
However, when I start my project from Visual Studio, it works.

I narrowed down the problem. if I remove my custom GameMode from Content folder, Editor loads my project successfully…

But, I need that blueprint to work my project!

So, How can I fix this problem?

P.S I ignored “CDO constructor” problem for my custom GameMode.

I figure it out the problem. It was related with ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder.
Here is my problem solved code!

ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UClass> ItemBlueprint = ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UClass>(TEXT("Class'/Game/Organized/Models/BP_BarHandrailModel.BP_BarHandrailModel_C'"));
	if (ItemBlueprint.Object) {
		BP_BarHandrailModel = ItemBlueprint.Object;
	ItemBlueprint = ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UClass>(TEXT("Class'/Game/Organized/Models/BP_ColumnModel.BP_ColumnModel_C'"));
	if (ItemBlueprint.Object) {
		BP_ColumnModel = ItemBlueprint.Object;
	ItemBlueprint = ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UClass>(TEXT("Class'/Game/Organized/Models/BP_DoorModel.BP_DoorModel_C'"));
	if (ItemBlueprint.Object) {
		BP_DoorModel = ItemBlueprint.Object;

Thank you SO much for this fix! I had a very similar issue with my custom player controller & game mode, seems to be a circular dependency issue. I wish UE4 told us about this issue when it arises rather than infinitely loop.