Freezing of the Image when trying to Capture the Scene (UE5.3.2)


I am capturing a scene with help of USceneCaptureComponent2D.
When there appear an event that tells me to capture I run this code below:

// SceneCaptureComp is a UCameraCaptureComponent2D

TArray<FColor> Bitmap;

FTextureRenderTargetResource* renderTargetResource = SceneCaptureComp->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();


IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName("ImageWrapper"));
TSharedPtr<IImageWrapper> ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(static_cast<EImageFormat>(CurrentImgFormat));

ImageWrapper->SetRaw(&Bitmap[0], Bitmap.Num() * sizeof(FColor), renderTargetSize.X, renderTargetSize.Y, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
const TArray64<uint8>& compressedBitmap = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(JpegQuality);
const TArray<uint8> img(compressedBitmap);

// Then I just broadcast a delegate with TArray<uint8> arg

This code works fine when I am debugging a game inside UEditor or as a vscode project.

But here is what happens when I am packaging:

  • It works nice with ubuntu 22.04 and rtx 3070.
  • The game itself works with ubuntu 20.04 and gtx 950 but when I am trying to capture the scene the image on a screen freezes and nothing happens. I get this warnings in my console:

LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.

And it happens on each frame.

Probably I should mention it: the ReadPixels function is not overriden, I use default USceneCaptureComponent2D, so everything happens on a Game Thread.

I also checked if ram is not enough but the game consumes 3 gb of ram when running according to htop.
Also I noticed that almost all of 2 GBs of VRAM are used: 1927 out of 2048 MB - maybe that’s the reason?

p.s. Everything unfreezes when I stop capturing the scene.
p.p.s. I don’t save those images on a disk.