Get sprite size

When using sprites from paper2D I need to scale them correctly, so I need the size of the sprite in the atlas to do so. The function in c++ in GetResourceSize() and for some mysterious reason, it can be used only in the editor. I need this size in order to get a ratio and scale sprite accordingly.
I debugged sprite, found out there is a vector of BakedRednderData, that have values half of the original sprite size, so I came out with this solution:

float USpriteFunctionLibrary::GetImageRatio(UPaperSprite * Sprite)
	if (Sprite)
		if (Sprite->BakedRenderData.Num() > 0)
			FVector2D size(Sprite->BakedRenderData[0].X, Sprite->BakedRenderData[0].Y);
			return FMath::Abs(size.Y / size.X);
	return 1.f;

And I can get a source image size by multiplying size vector with roughly 5 pixels error, which is not perfected, but better than nothing.
Does anyone know a better way to do this?