How do I attach a physics object to another physics object?

So, I have a rag-doll character that works perfectly and I have a rope with five bones imported in from 3DS Max. Both are obviously physics actors. How do I attach the rope to the the rag-dolls head? When ever I use the “attach to” option by right clicking in the view-port or alternatively “use sockets”, as soon as I press play to test them in the level both physics components fall separately and unattached. If I turn simulate physics off for the rope it does stay attached.
I’m really confused.

Ultimately, I would like one end of the rope to be attached to the head and the other end of the rope to be attached to the ceiling so, I have a dangling and swinging rag-doll/dead body.

It’s for a University assignment, can someone please help?

Best regards


Did you solve this ?

wouldn’t be a Maim Game without the gallows, don’t tell me it’s not possible.