How do you compare actors?

Is there a way to check if an actor is a specific actor?

Scenario : I wish to check to see if my target is myself, if it isn’t then do something, if it is, then do nothing.

Hey ItzFriday,

You can do this by creating Equal Object or Not Equal Object nodes. In your case, I would suggest using Not Equal Object, this way if it is not the same Actor. It returns true.

I hope this helps.


Thank you for the speedy answer!

This isn’t working, how it is possible?

@DatnessX: You’re comparing the instance of the class in the game which won’t be equal. You can try getting the class from the object and comparing that instead.



Without more context, I’ll say they’re different instances of the same mesh almost certainly

Thank you So much

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I’m kinda same doubt but with VR! I have a box collision and I wanted to check if the object collising with the box is the VR hand. In UE4 there’s the motion controller pawn bp we could use for that, now on UE 5 there’s no motion controller pawn anymore and I have no clue on how to make it work.
I tried to compare but didn’t really work.

Aay idea?