How to fire off the remaining Notifies when cancelling an animation?

Hi, everyone.
I’ve been wondering, maybe someone have an idea or some method of handling the game logic when using animMontages. Here’s an example: suppose i have a character with an attack animation montage. In said montage i’ve set up animNotify events for weapon collision handling. So when the character attacks using function PlayAnimMontage() collision turns on, then at the second part of the montage it turns off. Now what happens if in the middle of the animation character gets interrupted with a StopAnimMontage() or StopAllAnimMontages() is that the second notify doesn’t ever fire, and character is left with weapon collision left turned on.

I hope that explains my problem. So basically the question is: what to do when animation gets interrupted and some notifies are left untouched. Is there some built-in system in Unreal, or do i have to basically, double check after every montage, because it gets hard when you have lots of animation dependant logic? Or maybe i should override StopAnimMontage() function and check?

Would appreciate any help!