Input option on UFUNCTION

Okay to start I have a struct that is filled by a CSV. The CSV looks like this:


0,"Apple","1","1","HP:5","","Consume to restore 5 Hit points.","5"

1,"Potion","1","1","HP:20","","Consume to restore 20 Hit points.","20"

2,"Mana Stone","1","1","MP:10","","Consume to restore 10 Mana points.","25"

3,"Earth Stone","1","1","HP:10,MP:10","","","50"

4,"Stone of turning","0","1","DMG:UNDEAD:20-30","","","250"

I have a UFUNCTION to add items to the players inventory. It’s simply AddItem(int32 ItemID) and in there I convert the ItemID to an FName and that adds that item to my inventory. What I’d like to see (probably not possible) would be to have the Blueprint of the UFUNCTION, instead of using the ID have a dropdown inside the blueprint that would populate with the item names. Again this is just asking if it’s possible and how to do it. I do understand it’s probably not possible.