[LAN] Actor and Mesh not in same place both host/client

I made a simple LAN for testing, but I’m having this problem where both client and host are actor’s mesh are appearing not in the place where they should plus mesh movement is not updating. Yes, i have searched around and tried setting replication, checking the “is hidden” and other things but i can’t find an answer. Helpppp and Thanks :slight_smile:

Is the new Position 0,0,0? If it is, you might not be replicating the new position properly. If it’s not, Make sure both the actor and the variable in question are replicated. Network code basically only runs from server to client (with few exceptions) So if you update the position on the server, the client should follow suit if it is replicating properly.

world space? because if both get spawned 0,0,0 world space, host works, but client does not and mesh gets clipped and it wont move.

Its a simple session made in a separate Game Instance BP. The ship’s blueprints are just navigation and shooting


Can you post your code? Right now I can only guess and can’t really help debug.

is the navigation not what’s breaking?

What are the replication settings on the character?

Yep you’re good there. How do you update your movement? It looks like it moves on the client but not the server.

If the player controlling it is applying input you need to go through the server to get it to move on both. You can’t go from Client to server on an basic actor. Player controllers can though because they are owned by the client not the server.

What kind of input are you using. I assume it’s not Character Movement.

So in your player controller, Call a ServerOnly function that calls the pawns AddActorWorldOffset. That should replicate.

just using an AddActorWorldOffset

I just noticed that the one that is working is in the Host side, tried both times. and sorry, but im kind of new to networking… i searched a lil, but by server only function you mean?

Still doesnt work :stuck_out_tongue:

Create an event. One of the dropdowns for it wil lallow you to mark it as server only

OKOK now i got it, but server client is now not replicating… wish i could send you a video… ill make a GIF


I suggest downloading, its 40 MB loool as much as i could compress

Create a second event that’s multicast. Have the server only event call the multicast event and have the multicast event perform the movement.

Server only will only execute on the server. Then from there you call multicast which replicates that function call on all clients as well as the server.

Same thing is happening. Server moves and is replicated in client. But client does not move, but is replicated in server.