Light build craches on VehicleGame example ( 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')

Hi, I’m getting the error: 0x887A0006 - ‘HUNG’ for when I trying to light build the map DesertMap from the VehicleGame exmaple.

I know that the error 0x887A0006 - ‘HUNG’ was already reported for other issues, but this is a different instance of the same error.


  • Create a project from the VehicleGame
  • Open it and build it’s lights
  • Just after the build is completed and imported the engine crashes

The crash logs:

  • I’ve added the .txt extension on the files to upload them.

Hey Medvish,

So I took a look at your crashes internally, and did see that yours are already linked to UE-42280 which is also related to the issue you linked. I also attempted to reproduce the issue on my end using the steps you provided, but did not get any crash.

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue, and keep your eye on the bug I linked for a fix.

Thank you,

Hello again,

I was avoiding this problem by setting the project to only use dynamic lights. But recently it started to randomly crash when opening particles.

So I switched to OpenGL, as some the users in UE-42280 recommended.
It did improve a bit, however the engine is crashing with a new error now, that I believe it’s related.

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)

I’m including the logs below:

link text
link text
link text
link text