Low fps in editor

I am getting a low FPS in the editor.
I only have low fps when I work in windows other then the viewport.

When I work in the viewport my fps is 50-60, all other windows are 5-10 fps when I for example select a blueprint in the content browser. When I play the game it also runs around 50-60 pfs. I work with Unreal Engine 4.10

I’m using a MSI laptop with GTX960M, with two 1920x1080 screens

Is there any way to increase the fps in the editor? I have tried lowering the Engine scalabilty settings, this had no effect.

Hello javi645,

Would you please provide your entire DxDiag (SystemSpec’s)? I would like to see how much VRAM you have. Afterward I begin to determine if this is a hardware issue, a project issue, or one with UE4.

This is my DxDiag

Let me start by saying that I’m not entirely well-versed on the tech and hardware side of things. Though, from what I can tell, you are running an integrated Intel HD Graphics 530 card. This is below the minimum requirements to use the Unreal Engine editor. Hence, why you are suffering from a low frame rate whilst using it.

Is this a laptop that you are attempting to use? If it isn’t, and assuming it is a desktop machine, I would suggest looking to enable your dedicated graphics card. If you don’t have one in your computer, it would be recommended to purchase one and fit it into the machine. This will provide a significant performance boost.

I’m certain that someone with more knowledge on this aspect can assist you further. However, I’m certain that this is the root cause of the problem you are encountering.

I’m running my Unreal Editor on a laptop. I have two graphic cards, An integrated Intel HD Graphics 530 and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M. This is also stated in my DxDiag under Display Devices.

My Unreal Engine editor is running on my 960M. I have checked this.

Hey javi645,

Does you project have any memory intense features? I noticed that you have 8 gb of Vram. This is our minimum recommended requirements for memory when developing with UE4 on a desktop. This could be the cause of the low FPS. For laptops, we recommend 12gb and up.

In the editor if you enter the console command profilegpu the command will bring up snapshot of where your memory is allocated. From there you can determine where the most intense functions are happening. It could simply be a matter of optimization.

These are the two possibilities that come to mind when experiencing low FPS

Apparently an audio program caused the low fps. the program is called Nahimic for MSI. When I uninstalled it I had no longer fps problems. I don’t know why audio software caused the fps in the UI to drop, but it did.

I fixed the problem. it was caused by a driver: Nahimic for MSI.

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I had a very similar issue as yours. Your solution helped lead to mine, but in my case it was an overclocking program called EVGA PrecisionX. I have only been using it to make a custom fan curve for my video card, I dont use it to overclock. Just having it run in the background throttles my frame rate in New Editor Window and other windows to about 10 frames.