Multiple roots found, exporting from blender

I have made a skeleton for a mesh of mine in blender. There seems to be problem when exporting to UE4. I get an error saying there’s multiple roots but I cannot seem to understand why.
Here’s a picture of my hierarchy:

And here’s the error message I get:

It would be great if someone could point the problem out. Thank you!

I’ve had the same problem a few times now, and it seems from your hierarchy that all of the bones are underneath “Root” and that there are no stray bones. Maybe you made some edits to the rig after assigning parents? I would suggest duplicating your rig and moving it off to the side, deleting your original armature, moving your duplicate into position, and reassigning it to the mesh. That way you have a clean slate. Then try exporting the fbx and see if UE4 accepts it! Good luck!

Thanks for the answer! Im not able to access my computer for a few days but Ill try that as soon as i can and report back to you.

I did manage to import the skeletal mesh but i still cant import animations though.

You can probably reparent these roots before reexporting to UE4.
In any case I’m experiencing several issues with the animations when reimporting in UE4 a character edited in blender, as discussed here:

Thanks for the answer!


This is the error message i get, I cant even get it to the engine so i don’t think thats the same issue


Sorry my bad English, for first :).

I’ve solved similar issue on exporting DAZ3D Studio character with next steps:

  1. I’ve set character in DAZ3D Studio as parent of the object, which has duplicate root bone.

  2. After that I exported data as *.dae (COLLADA) with default options.

  3. Then I’ve imported file to the 3DS Max 2016 (it will give warning on import about dublicated bones - I’ve ignored it), saved as max file and exported data from 3DS Max to the *.fbx file.

  4. Succesfully imported data to the UE 4.7 from *.fbx file.

I don’t know, does my way 100% correct, but it solved issue for me.

I hope, it will be useful for you.

Best regards, .

First of all your english is fine and second of all thanks for answering! Unfortunately I do not have access to those programs, I’m only working in blender, so it doesn’t quite solve my problem. But thanks anyway.

Aw, that’s not fun. Take a look at the dopesheet and NLA editor tabs in Blender. Do the animations look like they’re all under the skeleton? Or are some categorized under different meshes or rigs?

Yea it seems that they are all under the skeleton, here’s the dopesheet:

And here’s my NLA:


Despite the fact that it’s only two frames, does this look like a healthy animation? (Also, you can see the error message I get in one of the other answers)Thanks!

Yeah, it does look pretty good. The root bone seems to be included as well, despite the error message. I know you don’t have DAZ or MAX as Khusnutdinov mentioned, but play around with exporting the mesh into a new Blender file and trying to export it from there and see if you can evade that nasty bug. I’m really puzzled as to what’s going on here but hopefully you can solve it somehow.

Yea it’s kind of weird, i’ll just try playing with the settings and report back if I have any success at all.

I had the exact same problem. I made a skeleton mesh in blender with armature. When I exported and imported to UE4, I got a multiple root error. I went back in blender and noticed that my IK and pole targets were not under the Root hierarchy. I selected the IK and pole targets, then selected the root bone, Ctrl-p offset. This made the root bone the parent of IK and Pole-targets. Then I went and unchecked inherit location, rotation, transformation, and connected on IKs and Pole Targets, so it didn’t mess everything up. Re-exported to UE4 and works just fine.

I did all this in edit mode and didn’t have to clear parents or join anything. When you make the IK and pole targets, you have to clear the parents on them to work correctly, but after that you have to re-parent them to the root as I stated above, or UE4 will think its another Root Bone.

Thanks for your help, Neurocase, you got me on the right track. :slight_smile:

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First of all sorry that it took me so long to reply, had some issues with my files but i think i got them recovered now. And thanks for helping ill try to do those things and report back if i have any success.

I fixed my makehuman multiple root in blender by:
delete the original root. makehuman made my root.
rename the armature to root
this way I was able to get my makehuman skeletons to UE4 after editing em in blender

Sorry it took me so long to reply and thanks for answering. I’m not sure if i can even find this file anymore since i had some problems with my hard drive but I’ll try it and reply once i know if this works.

this is the solution: How to import a changed skeletal mesh back into UE4? - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums

on export a root node is added to the model. in maya/blender/3ds unparent the model from the root node and delete the root node. it should re-import to UE4 using the old skeleton.

Yes fixed my problem too with max 2016 by deleting the original root and selecting everything in my scene and add them to a new group which you can name it anything. import and yep fixed.

For anyone else running into this issue, the easiest fix is to simply select your armature, go into edit mode and check to make sure every bone has a parent. For me, I added to IK foot controllers and they weren’t parented to anything. Parenting them to the Pelvis fixed the issue.


Solved the issue for me

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