Music button can only close the music

I made a music button inside a widget which simply turns game music on and off. I added a flip flop and created two sound mixers with volume 0 and 1 respectively. The problem arises here that it can only close the music of the game but cant open it back again.

Is there a Pop Sound Mix Modifier node?
I don’t know how any of that works but if you push a Mute and push another thing in front of it, I think maybe the Mute is still getting applied AFTER the next thing.

i have no idea. I am only guessing because i dont know how to do music yet. but if you tested only turning the music on then may e something is wrong with your MaterMusic sound mix modifier.

I tried to only use the button for music on feature but nothing happens. Maybe my implementation of the music on mixer os wrong?? Can you tell me how to implement one?

Vous pouvez essayez de mettre un “stop sound” si il existe, sinon couper la musique avec un logiciel comme audacity

I added all the sound mixer classes photos in my post. Can you tell me what is wrong with them?? My music off feature is working that means my mixer class for music off is working fine. Its just the music on mixer class that I am skepticle of

Can you explain in english please? My french is kinda weak. Sorry for the trouble

google translate says:
You can try to put a “stop sound” if it exists, otherwise cut the music with software like audacity

Why use audacity?? And I wanna increase the volume of the music again after volume cut cause my mute button is working fine its just the case when I wanna reopen the game music that it dosent reopen

Hello unreal community
I really need some help as I really cant get this to work :frowning:

I haven’t actually used this node before but the keyword “Push” got me to thinking about pushing and popping with stacks/arrays.

When you “push” you’re just continuously adding new mixers onto the end, so the MasterMute stays in effect even when you push another mixer on top of it, no matter how much you turn up that other mixer, it will still be multiplied by zero because your mute mixer is in the way.

I looked it up and there is a Pop Sound Mix Modifier node:

I believe that what you’ll want to do is push your MasterMute modifier when you want to turn sound off and then pop the same (MasterMute) when you want to turn sound back on again.

I can’t speak to whether this is the best way to handle it, but it should work :slight_smile:

Thank you soo much it worked like a charm!!! Ofcourse it should be pop not push :smiley: