Navmesh actor radius setting reset when run

So I have my navmesh generation settings set up for an actor radius of 8 units (they are small worker bots). At runtime all of my other settings are kept, but actor radius is set to 35. I can, at runtime, reset the radius value and then everything works but I can’t actually get the setting to stick between runs.

As an aside, despite the AI characters being set not to collide with each other, and RVO being turned off, they still treat each other as obstacles which doesn’t really work for my scenario (I want them to penetrate everything but the environment).

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Regarding Agent Radius you need to set it up via NavigationSystem.SupportedAgents (can be found in Project Settings) .

Regarding characters treating each other as “obstacles” can you shed more light on your setup? Do you have CrowdFollowingComponent in your class hierarchy for your Pathfollowing Component? Can you post a screenshot with navigation drawing enabled?



Thanks (again) for “NavigationSystem.SupportedAgents” i was searching it too!

Thanks for pointing out SupportedAgents, though I would expect it either to construct a supported agent from the settings on the navmesh, or remove those settings from the navmesh itself. I wouldn’t call it expected behavior.

As for the other issue, the idea is I have drone agents who act on a shared task list. In the simple case I give two drones the same task on the same actor. The first moves to the spot directly, the other tries but is blocked by the first. Neither one has collision however. CrowdFollowingComponent is not added. I’ll see about getting you a screenshot next opportunity I have.

As i recently discover this, did you set bCanAffectNavigationGeneration to true for your actor and the navmesh is recreate every time an actor move?
If this is true it does not use RVO or detour but simply the navmesh does not allow the character to reach the point.

I would expect it either to construct a supported agent from the settings on the navmesh, or remove those settings from the navmesh itself. I wouldn’t call it expected behavior.

I agree completely and we’re going to address this as soon as we have spare cycles (which is nowhere on the event horizon :confused: )

I had a strange problem: pawn controlled by player was going through doorways, but the same pawn controlled by AI was not. Changing pawn’s capsule radius and navmesh settings was ineffective. Adding group to SupportedAgents and setting proper AgentRadius for it resolved the problem. Thanks for such unobvious method…