Need to turn off motion blur for my vehicle's wheels

Yeah, I messed with that and it doses not work. :confused:
Is there any way to turn off motion blur for just the objects?

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You have several tricks to fix the problem:

  1. Limit the speed of your wheels rotation. At high speed, nobody will perceive that their rotation speed does not match vehicle movement.

  2. Instead of rotating wheels the common way, make them static and use vertex shader to do the rotation. If you also enable output of velocity for base pass and enable accurate velocity in wheel material, that opens up a possibility to accurately control motion vectors using PreviousFrameSwitch. The idea is to have a fixed wheel rotation lag for previous frame, that would not cause vectors to go wild. Of course this method has severe downsides, in regards to performance and usability, but it might be worth it.

Is there any way you can show me how the second one works? I am not too familiar with vertex shaders. Thanks for all the help btw.

Hey, I have a car moving along the road in an environment with the wheels spinning. When I go to render out my sequence in sequencer, my wheels become super motion blured. Everything else in the scene has the right amount of motion blur.

So is there something I can do to just turn off motion blur for my wheels or is there something I have to do in the post processing volume?

Thanks for the help this is killing me trying to figure this out.

Did you try to switch the Anti-Aliasing Method in your Project Settings? That’s the first step I would try, even though the Motion Blur of your whole scene will be affected.

Currently its a all in or not to my knowledge. There should be a way with Custom Shaders but thats beyond me and most people =)

But here something to think about: If you cant execute it the way you do right now think of a way to fake it if Possible. Or Adjust it in Post production (Same clip on with Blur one without Mask out what you dont like)

This is an old post but didn’t find a lot of information out there concerning solution #1. I dug through the source code of UE 5.2 UVehicleAnimationInstance and initially saw that there was a MaxAngularVelocity parameter in the animation proxy but the class wasn’t open for extension as all the virtual overrides were marked private and you could not change this parameter directly. Then I noticed there was a SetStageCoachEffectParams member function and this was called from the “Stagecoach Effect Wheel Controller”. Using this instead of the standard “Wheel Controller” resolved the issue for me as I could limit the max angular velocity. Fiddling with the parameter values, I was able to achieve the desired effect for my game. It doesn’t look perfect but it’s MUCH better than before. Increasing the wheel spoke count to a large number and increasing the max angular velocity a bit from defaults removed the horrible looking motion blur artifacts around the wheels.


That’s because solution 1 doesn’t work.
If your tire asset pivot is just a smidge off you’ll still see rotating trash rather than a rotating wheel.

Solution 2 is part of the content examples, and will always work, no matter how bad a rig you made for the wheels.