Player Freeze during combat

I like this game and appreciate the makers of it. Thank you!
There has been an incident I believe needs immediate resolution. While playing Lt. Belica the hero freezes. You can still use your abilities but can not move at all. This has happened to me several times and seems to happen when attempting to use the ultimate. I say attempting because you use the ultimate but then realize your teammate has killed the opponent before you get it off. Here is a replay id of the most recent match where this has happened to me 3c8bc2e5f344461a8a73f448624af1e5 there is also a video on youtube where this has happened to someone along with others in the comments. Heres the link to it: - YouTube Apparently this doesn’t only happen on but as well. Hopefully this issue can be resolved soon so players don’t get afk bans resulting from this glitch (as I now have a warning for it).

Hey 70H3LLW17HY0U-

I’m sorry that you’re having troubles with Paragon. The AnswerHub is meant to provide help and support for the Unreal Editor. If you’re having issues specific to the game, please check the paragon help site ( for support or search the paragon forums (Kostenlose Paragon-Inhalte im Wert von 17.000.000 USD - Unreal Engine) for additional information.
