PlayerStart and Collisions not working 2D


I’ve posted in the forum but I’m not getting anything so I will try my luck here… :wink:


  • UE 4.6.1
  • Paper2D
  • Created an empty GameMode that I’ve
    set in the world settings.
  • Replaced the Default Pawn Class for
    one I’ve created by following a
    tutorial here and
  • I’ve deleted all existing levels and
    started a new empty one.

Here’s my problem. If I place 1 sprite, a floor for example and a PlayerStart in my level, when I press Play, in Viewport, my player will appear and stop on the intended collision. If I remove the collision on the sprite and add a BSP Box that I convert into a blocking volume, there again, when I press play, it will work.

Now if I add another sprite, no matter if it’s a wall or another floor with collision, none of the collision will work. If I delete the added sprites and only keep the original one with it’s working collision box and press play. The collision no longer works! Why?

Also, in all cases, the player doesn’t spawn in the proper location. If I place the PlayerStart at -372.0 on the X Axis, it will appear at 375.0 instead. If I place it at -99.0, it will appear at 375.0 again! Why?


Hi maparizeau,

How are you removing the collision on the sprite? Are you removing it on the Sprite asset in the Sprite editor or just the instance of it in the level through the Detail panel?

If you are removing it through the Sprite editor, then every sprite you place will not have collision. You will need to add that collision back through there.

Hi TJ,

I’ve tried multiple test cases.
Adding/Removing from the sprite editor.
Adding/Removing from the properties window
Adding a block volume to the sprite and still went throught it.

Anyways I eneded up deleting the project… urggg and re-installing UE4. Now everything seem to be working.

About my second question… what with the PlayerStart not spawning the player at the approrpiate position. Like I said, I would place the PlayerStart at position X, nothing is interfering with it and it would spawn in a different location?


Ended up re-installing UE4, now everything seem to be working properly.

Must of been one of those “corrupt installing” kind of situation.