Realistic Lighting Problem

For some reason I can never seem to get realistic lighting, my lighting is never bright it is always dull. How do I get lighting like these 1.) Broadleaf Forest Example2 ForestCollection - YouTube
2.) Broadleaf Forest Example ForestCollection - YouTube

Can you tell us what you’ve tried so far? Or show us the kind of results you’re getting? Because otherwise I would just tell you to google some lighting tutorials.

I haven’t tried anything, I was just wondering how I can achieve this.

You achieve this using a combination of lights, materials, models, textures, and post processing effects. There’s a lot going on in those videos so it’s hard to begin to tell you how to create a scene like this. But again I would say look for some tutorials if you don’t know where to begin.

Use bloom.

With creating proper Lightmaps for your Static Meshes, Lightmass Importance Volume, Post-Processing and Light Baking you can achieve a lot :slight_smile: