Reference objects in persistent level from objects in sub level

I’m working on setting up some matinees to get some gameplay shots for a trailer. I’m trying to set up some sub levels for my different shots, streaming a sub level in when I want to record a specific shot. I figure this would be an easy way to record each scene I need, then I can just unparent the sublevel to get rid of things instead of needing to find all the different objects I may place and deleting them. I’ve placed some objects in my sub level that I want to be able to reference an object in my persistent level (setting the reference in the object’s details panel).

The persistent level objects show up in the drop down

but when I select them nothing happens; Spawn stays set as None.

I figured that since the objects are in the persistent level, and thus always exist, I should be able to reference them in the sub level but it seems that’s wrong. Is there any way of passing object references between levels like this (or any way really)?

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As of 4.18 you can use TSoftObjectPtrs if you’re using C++.