Save Game To Slot not creating a save file

I’m following along with the UE4 Multiplayer tutorials and I have come across an issue where the SaveGameToSlot function is not actually resulting in a save file being created (or even the SaveGames folder for that matter). I have no clue what I am doing wrong.

When I set a breakpoint on the function it does actually stop and seems to execute (no error) but then doesn’t create the file. Here is the hookups:

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Is it showing any errors? Can you share your full BP?

Any news on this? I also have this issue. Save Game to Slot does not create a save file or folder in my project.

Check my answer out below

So it turns out that I was just stupid an didn’t check my work. In the picture I have a string node hooked up to the “save game to slot” “slot name” input. That string node has a NAME but not a default value. So while on the surface it looked fine. After some digging I found out that I had just forgotten to set the default value of my “Player Settings Save” node. Oh well, live and learn I guess.


Yes! Setting a default value for the String worked. You did NOT have to do this in earlier versions of Unreal though! That’s what confused me.

Oh god I’m so stupid, tried to fix it for ages before I found your comment, I don’t feel dumb at all. …not. at. all.

Thank god for your comment!

(JK, thank you <3)

Oh man… Was having the same issue for hour-ish… Thanks to Google (you as well) for finding this answer.

As an alternate answer: It depends whether the game is being launched from the editor (PIE) or the staged build. I was checking the project folder instead of the staged build folder, after launching a staged build.

Save game location for PIE: C:\Unreal\Project name\Saved\SaveGames

Save game location for staged build: C:\Unreal\Project name\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Project name\Saved\SaveGames

For anybody using newer versions of UE:
Turns out you have to use the “Create Save Game Object” node.

I am using UE 4.25.3 and I was stuck with this for over an hour.
But it’s so simple! I’m such a tool.
