Sequencer captures movie without shadows

Hello Everyone!
I have searched for similar topics, but they didn’t help to solve my problem.

The output of sequencer differs from the one in viewport, it seems like shadows are “off” in the sequencer.

I have attached the image of compared results.

Thank you in advance!

I spent two days searching and fixing the problem, and finally when I posted here I fixed the issue in no time. Apparently it was some sort of settings I missed. In Sequencer > Render Movie Settings I turned off Cinematic Engine Scalability and it rendered perfectly, (as I have read, it is meant to render best quality movies) I guess I have not set it up properly and it rendered with default settings, as my viewport setting were higher, turning it off movie was rendered in better quality.

Despite the fact that I have solved my initial problem, I would ask you to help me figure the settings out. I am new to UE, so I not sure how to access them, any ideas?

Thank you in advance!

Dude thank you so much for your solution… I have been struggling with this for days!!! I hope someone can explain more why this happened.

I have been having this same issue, and when I came across this I was excited that an answer had been found - but alas the sequence I just exported with Cinematic settings turned off as you suggest looks identical to the ones I exported last night which are missing the shadows from my directional light.

It is unbelievably maddening how difficult it is to export a sequence that looks as it does in the preview window.

Thank you so much for this! It was so frustrating to have everything perfect on the viewport and then something completely different when rendered….this was a life-saver. Many thanks.

And glad it was an easy solution after all, not having to mess with a lot of settings for such a simple thing. Thank you again!

I had the save problem. Fixed it by setting this checkbox:

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I had the same problem. After rendering, some objects had shadows, while my car model didn’t have any.

I got it resolved.

  1. Simulate your viewport(Alt + S) to check for errors. The error I had was “Out of memory for skin cache, requires 380.00 extra mb”

  2. Go to project settings —> maximum memory to compute skin cache. I increased mine from 128 to 400 MB.

After rendering it again, the car shadow came out perfectly.

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I spent almost 7 days and nights… I had to submit my final animation… and Almost kill myself… but all the sudden I found your solution… you just saved my life… I actually bought a 4080 to solve this problem but it wasn’t the problem… you saved me… my lord…