Skeletal Mesh Editing Tools, Renaming Increments up automatically

I’m noticing when I rename a joint chain, thumb_r_0, thumb_r_1, etc. that each subsequent edit automatically increments up the numbers, resulting in something like thumb_r_4, thumb_r_1, thumb_r_2

Furthermore, turning it into something like thumb_r_8, thumb_r_6, thumb_r_7

It looks like selecting them all again, and renaming resets it well enough, just wondering if anything else is seeing this, maybe it’s a feature?

Hey @gldsgns!

The incrementing is the default method of renaming when things are duplicated because they cannot share the same name. For instance, say you needed to reference the bone thumb_r. If you rename them all thumb_r it will not know which bone to return and will cause a likely crash-worthy error.

Make sure all names are unique! :slight_smile: