Spline Components cannot be edited when part of a ChildActor

I have an ActorBP which generates a rail using a spline and Spline Mesh Components, I want to have this ActorBP as a ChildActor in a different ActorBP, however the spline is not editable in this configuration.

I Found a Bug report from back in UE4.1 from 2017 (https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-42878) which was apparently solved in 2019, in which a spline component in ActorBP_A that was brought into a different ActorBP_B as a ChildActorComponent, the spline in the ChildActorComponent would not be editable in the ActorBP_B viewport.
(ie. you couldn’t select the spline points and move them around etc. as you could if you put the same ActorBP_A in the world as an Actor)

Seemingly this issue has cropped up again as this is happening to me in UE5.3.2 (reproduction is the same as in the original bug report except in UE5.3.2)

The only temporary solution I can think of is having an editable array to enter the spline points and manually enter values, which would be considerably more tedious but probably would work,

Any suggestions for fixes would be welcome.