Team collaboration

Hello !

Until now, in our studio, I was working alone on UE4 projects (as 3D Artist), but today we are starting a project with a team of artists and programers.

We are wondering how to share files, where anyone can go in the work?
I mean, if I create a blueprint file for an actor and I need the programers to edit the Event Graph, how can we work on the same file?
May be I don’t know the correct workflow for now because I was a Unity user and it was easy to share script files, prefabs, etc… But how to work correctly with UE4 in a team?
I read the docs on Source Control (SourceControl)

but it seems to be very heavy to use…

Many Thanks


Hello Hello !


Surely there is a way to collaborate files among team members.

As far as I know, there is no way to work on the same file at the same time.

You can split work up to avoid this issue (use sub levels, blueprint classes instead of one huge level blueprint etc), but in general it’s the same as any other file on your computer. One person works on it, checks it in to source control, then the next person checks it out of source control and makes their changes. Collaboration comes by making several smaller components then adding them together.

But this is the same as Unity and (as far as I know), any editor - so not sure what is different in Unreal for you?