UDK Material to UE4 Material, not getting desired effect...

I dug up a material back in UDK that I wanted to try that has a similar effect to what I’m looking for. It’s called [M_EV_Lightbeam_Master_01][1] but it’s not giving me [the effect I want in UE4 yet][2], due to there being many nodes I’m not very familiar with, including which UE4 node is the counterpart of an old UDK one that’s been removed for the new engine. I’m hoping that all this is unnecessary and what I’m looking for won’t need to be this complicated. Mind cluing me in?

Hey swiss_cheese9797 -

Without really being able to see you textures and assuming they are correctly laid out, I would try adjusting the following:

  • Remove the Absolute World Position nodes from the reflection vectors (I do not believe your will need them in this setup.)
  • The bottom most pixel depth comment block which I believe you setup to do a far distance fade out. Try to remove it from the Material calculations and get the base to work then try to go back in and add it in.
  • DepthFade works a little differently than Depth Biased Alpha, the Fade Distance should actually be a distance, like 256 or 512 units.

Try these and let me know -

Eric Ketchum