UE 5.3 Nanite causes problem in normals/tangents ?

I am using Unreal engine 5.3. When I activate nanite in a mesh, I lose all the reflections as if there was a problem with normals or tangents or something is happening. The mesh is slightly darkened and it looses the specularity or rough detail as if there was no interaction at all with light. I wonder if this is a bug or if there is something I need to consider when using nanite meshes with more complex materials.
Here’s a shot comparison between the exact same asset and material instance when the mesh doesn’t have nanite support active:

and the same asset with nanite active:

I checked all the buffers to see if I could determine where the problem comes from, simplified my material graph in a simple debug process. But to be honest I didnt find anything odd.

Does anyone know what could be the cause? Thanks in advance.