Updating a Game on Steam

Hello. I am about to release my game on Steam. I keep thinking how to update a game on steam, does anyone have experience?

Let’s say I released the game and 2 days later I changed a boolean and wanted to update it. The files are seperate to update them individually or I just upload them all again and Steam gets it (no idea) ?

If you know this, please help me. Thank you.

Hey w0hoho,

My understanding is that you just upload the changes and Steam will update anybody with your game so they can download the changes.

I see but what I am wondering is; when I changed the GameInstance, would I be aware where is that instance at in packaged file?

Oh, I see what you mean. I personally don’t know of a way to find, or know of, any specific file inside of the packaged game.

I see, I guess I will know when I upload the game into steam for the first time. Thank you for trying to help me.

So… what was the actual answer?

Steam system scans the files and publish the changes for users to download. You start to upload entire game again but system only uploads the changes.

Hi i change 2 bools and the update is 700MB?

Unreal can make with the Project launcher more little patch files but how i can upload the patch to steam?

The Patch file must be in \Content\Paks

Steam automaticly uploads the difference. If you want to reduce the file size of your package, there are some ways to do that. It’s a bit complicated. Try to get all packages compressed.

Hi, what’s about DLCs ? Please

Few! xD I am releasing my game too on steam very soon and I was also wondering about this, I am glad steam scans for the changes, thanks for letting us know!