URGENT! Cannot install Maya Rigging Toolset

I have some huge problem with the installation Unreal Animation and Rigging Tools for Maya / Windows. I think I have placed the “userSetup.py” file in the right folder, but there is no message at the Maya start up…
Can someone help me ?!

That’s the directory:
B:\Program Files\Autodesk Maya 2014\Maya2014\scripts\MayaTools

I can see no content as “\maya\scripts” under the C:\Users\user.name\Documents

Please help!

Make sure to install it in your documents folder. It can be in different places based on your windows setup. I find it the quickest by going to the windows explorer, click on “libraries”, then you should see documents.

From there install it to the maya/scripts folder.
Hope that helps =)

Already solved, thank you =)


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