Why Flashlight Not Casting Shadows?

The below image I have circle out where does the shadow should be casting but unfortunately, nothing is visible.
I have set the spotlight to cast shadows both dynamic and static plus I have set the mobility to movable which means, it should support both types of shadow casting type. So, what I did wrong and what I should do?

Thank you.

Go into settings > Engine Scalability settings and check if your shadow quality is in at least medium quality. Looks like your screen res is pretty low so i am assuming you are working on a laptop. Make sure you are connected to a power outlet if your laptop has a discrete graphics card.

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Hi! My Engine Scalability is on medium and indeed I am using my laptop plus my graphic card is NVIDIA Geforce 940MX. Which I believe should not be the case here.

In your spotlight settings check for the amount of cascades in the light. What happens if you set your shadow quality to hight or epic?

Hi! Sorry for the late reply. My shadow quality is on high setting and I’ve tried to make it epic too but still, the same result occurs.
I think there must be something wrong with the other settings? Or I should add something in the scene?
What do you mean by “amount of cascade in the light”? I didn’t see any settings related to the specified name tho.

is the “Dynamic Shadow” option in the affected meshes’s (wall, pipes, floor) lighting options still active?

Your light source is too centered with the camera. Just offset the light a little


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